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I love being hungover

This is going to be a weird post so apologies if not allowed.

I drink usually twice per week, never used to drink much in the past, maybe 1 drink on each instance. I’ve recently ramped this up to a full bottle of wine. My reason is that volume is enough to give me a mild hangover. Not a “vomiting all day, can’t get out of bed” type hangover. Just a headache, bit of mild nausea, body aches and mild wooziness type hangover.

I’ve found recently that I haven’t even been drinking because I want to enjoy the alcohol, I’ve been craving the feeling of being hungover. It took me a while to figure out why I was enjoying it because it’s still an awful way to wake up feeling but I’ve managed to pinpoint that I love the recovery part of it. I love the thought that I’m nursing myself back to good health. It’s so weird because I could literally just not even drink in the first place and I’d just wake up in good health without doing all this.

When I first wake up I usually don’t let myself have any food or water for the 1st hour or 2 so I can really revel in the feeling of how crap I feel. And then I let myself have a buscopan with a peppermint tea, followed by some bland food and coffee. A couple hours later and I get this almost euphoric sensation of relief wash over me and I’m back to normal.

I know this isn’t a healthy thing to be doing. Just wanted to see if there’s anyone else out there that can relate or if anyone can explain the psychology behind why I do this.

submitted by /u/Super_Revolution_565
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