gagging before I even open my bottle or pour a drink
32 y/o I’ve been an alcoholic for at least 10 years, I drink daily and if I go more than 3-5 days sober i get bad shakes and cold sweats so I have a small constant amount to keep from withdrawing until I find the time and courage to go to a program. My issue is that lately, I’m gagging at just the thought of starting my first drink. Just went to the store for my usual bottle of wine and gagged before I even had it in my hand, looking crazy walking with my bottle in the store while gagging at the thought of drinking it. Then smelling it while I pour is even worse. This is new, I could even drink while hungover before and it didn’t do this to me. Once I have my first drink it all stops. I know this is my body telling me it’s tired but I’m just wondering if anyone else experiences/experienced this?
submitted by /u/Aluna_li
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