
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Does it matter why you drink?

My family is pretty conservative when it comes to addictive things. Nobody in my family drinks, smokes or anything.

A few years ago, I was rejected by the love of my life. She had once told me she wouldn’t want her partner to drink. Her boyfriend right now, the person who used to be my best friend drinks. I am not saying she should not be with him because he drinks. I no longer am interested in her. I have feelings, yes, but I would never consider dating her even if I had a chance.

What I am trying to say is, even to teetotalers like her, who once said that, drinking is not a big deal.

Now here I am- a dud! The most interesting thing about me is the money I make and the weight I lift. I am book smart but that’s about it.

I have been straight as an arrow my entire life- no vices, no addiction, nothing. I see people around me who are not as straight and still be happier than me. Was I not drinking for nothing?

I had no appeal of alcohol a couple months ago until somebody asked me why I don’t drink. I had nothing to say. If anything I have a reason to drink now. When people ask what I do in my free time, I don’t have anything interesting to say.

My parents know about everything. I asked them if I can drink. They were reluctant at first but then mom said only if she’s there with me. I have an uncle with an alcohol problem so that’s where her apprehension is coming from.

Does it even matter why I should or should not drink? What good has it brought me not drinking?

submitted by /u/brightNebula99
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