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Got A Migraine After Drinking Various Beverages, Don’t Know The Exact Cause. Help?

Hi! Idk if this is the place to ask about this but 🤷. So last night, I got a super painful migraine after drinking two Yeungling Hershey’s chocolate porters and like half a glass of red wine, in that order. My theory is that the red wine is what pushed me over the edge because it only really started after I drank that. But the amount of wine I had last night is what was left over after I drank most of the whole bottle the night before last. I think there was enough for about four glasses in that bottle and I drank most of it the night before last and didn’t get a migraine. Then last night I introduced the porters into the mix and got a migraine, which is making me think the porters have something to do with it. I also slept late, didn’t drink a whole lot of water, and didn’t eat much that day, so I’m assuming those were all factors as well. I really hope these porters are safe for me to drink because I actually sought them out specifically because they’re really delicious and I literally bought a whole twelve pack because that was my only option. I know red wine is known to trigger migraines, but so can hoppy and malty beers from what I understand, and these porters are both of those things. Thoughts? What should I do?


submitted by /u/r0tund_
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