
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


did a random guy make me try his alcohol??

sorry this is a weird and long story but stick with me please. i’m 19 and have a manager who’s 27, with a friend who’s the same age and is a known alcoholic. the friend came into my job one day and had this red ”drink mix” thingy in a small unlabeled oval bottle with a dropper like the one on the picture i attached (idk if that’s relevant at all). i remember him telling me it was called something that started with an A but not what it was called. he had a la croix (non alcoholic sparkling water) for my manager and put some of this stuff in it and then asked if i wanted to try it. he put a few drops on the back of my hand and it didn’t taste like alcohol it was just really cinnamon-y. i brushed it off like nothing but the next day i was telling my sister who is 25 and told her about him telling me the name of it, but i couldn’t remember but that i was pretty sure it started with an A. her eyes widened and she made a big fuss about it and when i asked her what she was being weird about she said he had given me absinthe and that’s it’s like a 70 proof alcohol on average. i wanna believe my sister but i can’t imagine my manager being totally fine with him bring that into our work AND making him a drink. for reference my manager is 100% sober and never drinks, so even a few drops of whatever in his sparkling water seems soooo off to me. a couple weeks later i was telling my manager about the conversation i had with my sister and he was like “omg nooo it wasn’t alcohol i wouldn’t let him bring that here much less give it to you”. i trust my manager but my sister keeps insisting it was alcohol. does anyone know what it was/ could have been?? was it really alcohol? is there non alcoholic absinthe or is it something else? please help im so curious but i live in utah and cant find anyone who knows about alcohol 😭😭

submitted by /u/sqcrificeth3m
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