
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Is soju that good?

Or is it overhyped? What are your thoughts? I’ll go first.

Korean products are gaining popularity these days, and in the case of soju – it is for sure worth the hype. Although it’s an alcoholic beverage, the taste is very subtle and unique, which makes drinking it an enjoyable experience.

Taste for sure depends on the brand. I tried many different brands, and after experimenting, I finally settled on my favorite one: Jinro Chamisul! Tastes so crisp and clean for sure stand out from the rest of the brands. A perfect light drink to share with friends and family. What do you all think? Do you like soju? If yes, do you have a favorite brand?

submitted by /u/Agile-Ad-5361
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