
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


If I drank a little light beer (4.2%) everyday will I become dangerously dependent on alcohol?!?

I’m 22 and don’t know much about alcohol at all other than the withdrawals are similar to things like Xanax, Klonopin which I’ve cold turkey’d my prescription before and had seizures as a result of the withdrawals.

All I know is I’ve been drinking 1 light beer most days then not it’s 4.2%. I do skip a day or two every now and then but my Dad keeps buying them for me and encourages me to drink one every now and then to help calm my anxiety but I’m worried I’m going to get addicted and dangerously dependent then have seizures from withdrawals….

I’m not really worried about the habit or formation of addiction, but rather what kind of withdrawals I’ll have when I quit.

submitted by /u/kalivoidd
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