I used to drink quite a bit (10 beers a night average with a break or two.. more on the weekends), cut it down lately; but before I did I had crippling anxiety and the once a week or so panic attacks. Quit drinking for 2 months happily because of this shit but not much changed. Honestly don’t think I’m an alcoholic lol most of you will say I was or am I just thought it was a great time being in my early 20’s but now I’ve gotten back to being just the Friday or Saturday drinker and I can still put them down. The thing is I was always the most relaxed chill nothing bothered me person until I got into this drinking kick. And now that I stopped for those 2 months the hangovers are worse than they’ve ever been and I did not return to that chill guy I was before like I thought I would I feel like a just ended up feeling more uptight all the time. I’m talking layed out doing not shit for the whole next day hangover. Am I different forever or what?
submitted by /u/Massive-Cow2515
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