
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Klonopin and Alcohol

yes I know what Google searches say but I like to get other opinions where I can delve into specifics before getting an answer. So I am on my 2mg dose of Klonopin and have 2 5% alcohol wine coolers in my fridge that look at me every time I open the door. Am I going to die if I drink them or am I just going to be unnecessarily drunk? I would like to be able to unwind and it’s hard when you aren’t supposed to drink!!

TL:DR: 2mg kpin, 2 5% acl/vol drinks in my fridge. Can I drink them or will I meet my maker?

submitted by /u/Moon-Stoned4324
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