
지역문화와 전톡주λ₯Ό μž‡λ‹€. 술이 읡어 κ°€λ‹€. 술:읡닀


New to drinking what’s happening πŸ™

I’m probably not dying but I can’t figure out what’s wrong with me. I’ve twice drank before, only in the form of shots with my partner. Most I’ve had was ~6 shots in the time span of like 30-45 minutes. That should have hit me like a truck because it was too fast to drink that much and I’m skinny, but it didn’t really and it was just fun times. I thought I just had a high tolerance but idk anymore after last night. Last night I only had 3 shots which took like 30 minutes because I wasn’t feeling 100% beforehand and wasn’t really in the mood to take shots but I was like whatever the shots are in my hands so I’m taking shots. I drank them on an empty stomach but had food and water on standby in case I needed it. The shots were hitting harder than the other times and I just chalked it up to me not eating beforehand. After about 10 minutes into the 3rd shot I felt like my lungs were crushing in on themselves and like I wanted to vomit but it was trapped. My whole body felt like it had been sat on by a damn elephant and like it had taken a little extra time to slam it’s fat foot right into my chest. I tried to eat but every bite just made me more nauseous and it got to the point where I was manually breathing and my lungs couldn’t fill up with enough air to keep me from almost passing out over and over again. Me and my partner were drinking together and she was fine while I was literally writhing around on the bed. I have no idea how long that lasted for before I was able to scarf down a taco and water and let it fade out. I went to sleep not long after that because I was so done with that bullshit. I’m writing this at 5 am sitting on my bathroom floor waiting to throw up so I can have some damn relief. I woke up at 2:30 am feeling like my chest was collapsing in on itself again and like I was boiling alive. Haven’t been able to sleep since and I’m probably not going to sleep because I need to be awake in 2 hours. Anyways I’m just trying to figure out what the hell that was and how to avoid it in the future because I’m mentally ill and feeling like I don’t have control makes me go manic or cry so I would really like to not let that happen again. If I’m just a pussy that’s okay too πŸ™

submitted by /u/BackgroundFox8916
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