
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Is there a psychological reason why I go insane when I drink but only with one specific person?

Exactly as the title says –

When I drink with friends, I am fine, I have a good time and I’m happy and we always have a nice night.

When I drink with family, same story, I’m fine and happy and enjoy my night.

Whenever I’ve drank in the past with anyone – friends, family, past partners, coworkers, literally ANYONE, I’ve been absolutely 100% fine.

Whenever I drink with my bf, it’s like I black out the entire night, and then the next day I’m told that I went completely insane and made a scene and ran off and the police were called and I was crying and screaming and it’s always so so so dramatic. This has happened 3 times but 3 times in my opinion is already way too many and quite ridiculous.

Is there a psychological reason why this only happens with him? How do I stop this from happening?

submitted by /u/MinSappho
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