
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Does anyone have any info in this bottle?

Hello! I inherited this bottle a few years ago and I’m trying to learn more about it but I can’t find this bottle anywhere on the internet. There’s similar bottles but I can’t find this exact one. I’m trying to figure out info on it like how old is this bottle, what does it taste like, etc. I don’t want to open it because I don’t know if it’s worth $1,000,000 or something lol (Ive got a big hunch it’s not that much but I don’t know anything about it and my grandpa never let anyone touch it for aslong as I knew he had it. It just sat in his liquor cabinet). If anyone has any info on it please let me know. Thanks! On the back there isn’t any labels or evidence there was any. The back has a curve to it similar to the back of a flask.

submitted by /u/RaZR_EX1L1UM
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