
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


The online Liquor retailers / delivery services is Saturated, what do you guys use thats worth being loyal to?

Im looking to use a service that I can create a account with and discover new or rare selections. Something like Untapped but for alcohol. if not possible whats a site you use that works in the Southern US and has a large selection as far as they have every bottle cataloged even if not in stock? I hate searching for a bottle only for sites to say no results like it doesnt exist! even if it says unavailable or out of stock Id like to heart it and watch it to see if it ever becomes available and maybe they can see how much interest are in certain bottles so they can source it for a small batch.

submitted by /u/kingvurora
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