Four Loko “Gold” is a 5/10 (just tolerable)
So far this is the highest I rate any Four Loko I’ve had. It still has that offensive bubbly burn followed by a sickly sweet taste that they’re known for, but the “Gold” flavor isn’t terrible. It’s less bitter and more sweet than the other ones. It tastes like a mixture of multiple flavors but on the nose I get a crisp candy-like apple smell. The taste resembles this but not entirely.
Good? Eh. Not good but I’d drink this at an event if they didn’t have beer, seltzer, or hard liquor.
As usual I bought this alongside a pack of beer i already like out of curiosity, not expecting it to be good. No surprise here. I’d buy BeatBox over this.
What do you think?
submitted by /u/Corgerus
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