
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


I started getting drunk incredibly fast

M 24 – from the age of 20 to 22 I was a very heavy casual drinker, I could easily drink even 14 gin and tonics and be perfectly able to get home on my own, talk, and walk straight. Sometimes I would not even get hangovers from it.

The last two years I dialed it down, to the point I don’t drink that much anymore, even going a full month without alcohol quite often. Yes, for context I lost a lot of muscle mass, and I am not the healthiest I have ever been, but I’m still a regular 24 years old.

The last few months ( in which I even gained a little weight ) I have started getting quite tipsy with even one beer or a single glass of wine, and afterwards I feel awful… To the point where I get very heavy hangovers the next day. I’m actually worried something is wrong with me or my liver. Because even in past, I had times where I was even skinnier and did not drink as much, but I could easily handle alchol. Now it feels like I cannot even share a drink with friends.

Now maybe it is psychological, as I really dislike drinking as of late, but I doubt It could have such an impact. Any guesses?

submitted by /u/Mr-Ebola
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