How to get over 2 day hangover?
Hi, I (20M) went out with a friend on Saturday and drank a little bit (only 3/4 of a 4loko and a shot of vodka). I blacked out that night (I never black out last time I blacked out was almost 3 years ago at 18 at a friends birthday party and it was my first time getting drunk) and woke up the next morning with the worst headache and stomach aches ever. I don’t drink often just only when I go out to a party which hasn’t been often recently. I’m on day 2 of my hangover and I still have the worst stomach pain ever. I’m unable to eat and the last thing I’ve eaten was yesterday and it was an 8 piece nugget from Chick-fil-a. I’ve been eating pedialyte popsicles since last night to rehydrate and drinking water but I still feel incredibly sick and can’t eat. Any solutions?
submitted by /u/BoboSuitWillBeMine
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