
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Is this a high bac?

A month ago my husband got pulled over and arrested for a DUI. He admitted he drank one white claw right after work and went straight to the gas station and opened another a took one drink right before he got pulled over. He passed all of the test they gave him but bc of the open container he got arrested. They took his blood and the blood work came back as a 0.077. I’m not sure what that means. I’ve read that .40 and above is like definitely impaired and getting into the 70s is fatal but I’m confused bc he was fine. He was basically sober. I’m just wondering if anyone can explain the 0.077 to me. Is that above the legal limit? He is also 6’4 and weighs about 230.

submitted by /u/evol3991
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