
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


The most alcohol i’ve ever drank

When I was 14 and 110 pounds I filled a water bottle with about 3 measuring cups of 40% vodka which is around 24 ounces. I did this when I was still new to drinking and drank based on how much I thought would get me the most drunk. I went out in the woods behind my house and somehow rawdogged the entire warm bottle in a period of under 60 minutes. Now you might be thinking based on the metrics I just provided that I was a goner, luckily I wasn’t but I was close to it. I remember some of what happened after I finished the bottle, me wandering around the woods for a few minutes waiting to see the effect. The last thing I remember doing was trying to walk back home I’m only assuming because my body realized how fucked it was. I blacked out and woke up about 10 feet up the trail from where I blacked out. It was very dark and blurry and all I knew that was happening was I was vomitting. It’s like there was no pain and no worry, just a glimpse into what was happening. I went unconscious again and woke up later further down the trail, vomitting again, I have no recollection of that and only know because when I went back, there were 2 separate piles of vomit. Finally, I got up one more time, made it to the start of my backyard, and passed out there. I remember waking up and being so dazed and confused, waking up in the grass from what felt like an eternal sleep? I finish the walk back to my house, still extremely drunk, look at the time and it’s 6PM. I was unconscious and sleeping for 6 hours on the ground outside. I have just enough power to pee and get in my bed feeling miserable, just to sleep 6 more hours. I wake up at midnight, still drunk but now with a hangover as well? I tried drinking water and eating some things but they just came right back up. I stayed awake for the next 3 hours, wishing I was dead but luckily at 3AM I was able to keep some jell-o down. Don’t remember much after that so I must’ve started feeling better but damn, what a ride it was.

submitted by /u/Apyqr
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