
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


I cannot tell if I was roofied or not

Last Monday night, I (23F) picked up a check from a scummy bar that my client owns. I am a dog sitter for a local DUI attorney (66M) that used to have romantic relations with my older sister when she was 20. I’m also a student. At this time, I was very stressed about midterms. Upon finishing studying for the day, my client (Attorney, 66M) had invited me to drink with him and his new sugar baby after getting the check. I hadn’t really eaten at all that day, so I hesitantly agreed to a lemon drop and 1 singular White Claw at about 9:30pm. I mentioned I had made it 6 days without vaping when 66M asks me if I wanted bumps of blow from his regular (41M let’s call him MJ) I’ve been good about being clean lately, but I slipped up and agreed because I was under the impression that I would go home and study. This was not the case. After I had drank enough, I asked 66M why he sexually assaulted me (molestation) at 18 in the bar that HE owns. I made him uncomfortable and he left; it was just me and the guy giving me bumps (41M) from earlier. He talked up our mutual acquaintance (the attorney) about how great he is… seeing that I just called out our mutual for molesting me, I quickly assured MJ that he is no friend of mine, and trauma dumped the assault on him. The bar closed at 2am, and the party didn’t stop there. I was drunk, but feeling groovy. We went to a local gas station because MJ “didn’t want the night to end.” We enter the slots section at about 3:40am and he offered me a White Claw not from the bar (stupid stupid stupid.) I drank the White Claw. I’d say I had about 6 White Claws between 9:30-4am. The gas station slot machine is the last thing I remember with MJ. I don’t remember his car, I don’t remember going back to the closed bar for my car, nothing. But I do know that I didn’t sleep between 4am-10am but have no recall of anything at all. At 10am the next Tuesday morning I was one town away from home and my conscience came back to life. I was operating my car; was sad, I was lost, and very very confused. My passenger mirror was missing. All my money in my wallet (130$) was gone. I was so confused that I wasn’t sure if I had just rear ended the car in front of me. Knowing that I was not coherent, I drove off and I finally made it home. My location was on, and my friends with my location reported that I was 30 minutes in the opposite direction of both the bar I was at as well as my house at some point. I posted “can’t wait to die” on my Facebook, and eventually passed out on my bed. I woke up to the police in my room for what I had posted on Facebook and was evaluated. They didn’t urine test me, and the only blood draw performed was to measure my BAC, for you can’t get a psych evaluation until sober. They didn’t mention drugs of any form, and I was sent home. I slept all of Tuesday and Wednesday. I wasn’t hungover but I was still very dazed, lost, and couldn’t even make sense of my family’s group chat because of how disoriented I was. Was this really just White Claw on an empty stomach? I have never blacked out like this on White Claw. I attend music festivals and was once given GHB (a roofie) by a raver in the crowd in 2022 (a mistake to say the least… she said it was just like Molly- it’s not) and the feelings I had on GHB were very similar to how I felt after this last Monday night. Just trying to find some clarity in why I felt so confused, any insight is appreciated.

submitted by /u/CompetitionProper266
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