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Possible alcohol allergy?

My main reasoning as to why I think i might have some sort of alchohol intolerance or something comes from earlier this year when me and my friend met at the park and she brought a bottle of vodka (raspberry crush smirnoff) i already know i am a lightweight, but this was something else.

She had already had some, anyways i took literally just like 4 or 5 swigs in around 10-15 minutes while my friend had slightly more. We sit for a bit then once we start feeling it we start walking. We hadn’t even left the park and I remember struggling to balance and i fell over. After that was a blur.

We went from walking on the pavement, i remember saying to her “don’t let me fall onto the road” while clinging onto the bushes, to going to the corner shop and leaning over the counter trying to balance, to laying on her bed with her making random groaning sounds because i could barely remember how to talk.

I remember she was being super nice though, but she was scared because i was extremely drunk. I remember falling off her bed, then a liquid coming out of my mouth (i obviously vomited all over myself, but I couldn’t see anything and normally before I vomit I get extreme stomach pain but I felt nothing this time)

I heard my friend saying “no no no please don’t vomit” but I didn’t think that I had. Then I remember crying and yelling for her to ring my mum, I told her she won’t be mad at her even though I wasn’t sure, I just wanted my mum. Like I said I couldn’t see anything but I was so out of it to even sort of realise it?

I hear my mums voice and all of a sudden I’m on her back going down the stairs, (apparently as soon as we got outside I projectile vomited everywhere) next thing I knew I was sat on the sofa at home, with someone putting pyjama bottoms on me while someone else was pushing toast into my mouth.

I remember I kept saying to my mum “are you really there?” Because I kept randomly coming to consciousness in different places and I was scared that I would wake up back at my friends house. I slowly come back to reality, but I was still puking. I had a bit of pasta for tea but I couldn’t keep anything down, also I hadn’t drunk anything else other than that vodka so I was extremely thirsty, but even if I drank a sip of water I would throw it back up almost immediately.

Eventually we rung 111 (basically for non emergency’s but in need of advice) as I was becoming really weak from not being able to eat or drink. I can’t really remember what they said but we didn’t have to go to hospital.

Anyways, I vowed to never drink again purely because of how extreme that went from just essentially a few shots of vodka. Even my mum was asking me “did you sniff anything? Did you take anything weird?” I knew for a fact that I didn’t, which confused me even more.

My question is, does this sound like some sort of allergy or am I just an extreme lightweight? I went to turkey in august and tried to drink a pina colada, it was the first drink I’d had since the vodka incident, and I got extreme stomach pain, I was crying and went back to the hotel room, missing out on the foam party that night. Any responses would be appreciated👍

submitted by /u/FuzzyYak2226
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