
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Four Loko should be banned

I almost never get hangovers, I’m in my late 20s, and almost NEVER have thrown up from drinking or the next morning. Last night all the liquor stores were closed when I got off work, so I decided to go the gas station. I had never tried four loko and decided “fuck it, high abv, I’m sure it’s not THAT bad”.

It absolutely is the most vile gut rotting drink man has ever created. Seriously, what the fuck is in this shit? The taste is unreal, it’s disgusting, I powered through and drank it anyways. This morning, I had the most UNREAL hangover of my life. From drinking only 2 of those disgusting things. This is coming from someone who has on crazy party nights consumed entire fifths of vodka and mostly been able to function the next day besides maybe a headache. Today when I woke up I’ve been throwing what I eat up, and my head feels like it’s been pounded. This shit shouldn’t exist. Never again. Never fucking again.

submitted by /u/CiggyButtBrain2096
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