
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


For those of you…

…who are starting to drink, please keep in mind that alcohol(ethanol) CAN have a negative impact on your health/well-being done in excessive amounts…it can also be mentally and physically addictive.

Just because alcohol is legal(in most parts of the world). People tend to think it’s completely safe without harmful side effects just because it’s legal…

Alcohol can become as powerful, if not more powerful than most (hard)drugs and if you indulge too much, you could become dependent on it… which I have never felt.

I’ve withdrawn from heroin MANY times and that feelings fucking sucks(haven’t done dope in about 7 years. ) But I heard alcohol/benzodiazepine withdrawal can be even worse than heroin WD, to the point where you could die…

The point of this post is purely for harm reduction. I love to drink on my days off from work but that’s it. I let go of “hard” drugs even tho alcohol can become a “hard” drug if used in excess.

Just be careful out there everyone.

edit: I usually drink me up a half pint of vodka if I’m by myself… maybe 2 half pints in a day if I wanna get/keep a fat buzz…

I’ve seen many Redditors talk so much smack about alcohol(rightfully so) saying it’s overrated, whatever. A half pint of vodka is my go to and I gotta tell you: Alcohol makes me feel great… as long as I’m not blacked out, I genuinely enjoy the “high” or drunkenness that alcohol provides.

submitted by /u/Wogdiddy
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