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Upper abdominal pain day after moderate drinking

I (female) rarely drink, but last night I had about three shots which barely got me tipsy. I didn’t drink any more than that. It definitely burned going down and I tend to have a more sensitive stomach (to all things not just alcohol)- but I had food in my stomach and didn’t expect anything to happen. All day today I’ve just had this sharp pain in my upper abdomen, kind of behind or slightly below my ribs. It kind of feels like hunger pain but doesn’t go away when I eat. I’m scared that there is something wrong with my liver or stomach that I have never realized because of how rarely I drink. Does anyone know what this may be or how I can prevent/help this when drinking in the future? The only cause I could think of is that I took one dose of pepto bismol that morning, but the party was at night so idk. Not asking for medical advice, just wondering if anyone else has this happen. I do also have IBS, but that wouldn’t explain any pain in the upper abdomen, only in the intestines. Thanks!

submitted by /u/BrilliantAge635
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