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Can I safely take one shot on Xanax?

I’ve been prescribed Xanax for the past two years. I currently take 2 mg a day. My 21’st birthday is coming up and I really wanna take a singular celebratory shot of some cognac or tequila. The last time I drank I had skipped out on taking my Xanax to try and avoid consequences, and then took a lesser dose the next day to take extra precautions. The next day after I ended up having to go to the emergency room after having an abnormal ekg showing high t waves. I was told I was all good and discharged. I had a follow up with a cardiologist who said my heart is perfectly fine, and I actually recently went back again just for a checkup since I’m a bit of a hypochondriac and was reassured that my cardiac health is great. The only thing I can attribute my weird ekg to is potential Xanax withdrawal since I had skipped out and chose to drank instead and then took a lesser dose the next day. I just wanna hear some other people’s opinions. Obviously I don’t want to put myself in any sort of danger, and I don’t wanna get, “drunk”, but I really would like to have a single shot just to celebrate making it to 21 years of age. Would I be alright mixing my usual dose of 1.5-2mg with a shot?

submitted by /u/turmerix
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