
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


I don’t drink but I have a question

So I give a example alcohol I don’t drink but when people find out they look at me like I just kill someone or done something wrong I get told I’m weird or stupid for not drinking alcohol (and no I don’t go to bar or pubs and drink water and mock people who do drink, what alot of people think I do when I tell them I dont drink) I have no problem with alcohol but around 95% or so of people when they find out act weird afterwards, I don’t drink simply because I don’t like it and I don’t turn up my nose if someone offered me a drink they think I like

So one of time when this became a problem was at work the topic of favorite drinks came up when they asked me I just simply said I don’t drink a ever since they made fun of me or try and force me to drink and they was the only once I lost friends and some family because of this

So I’m only ask here because I didn’t know where else to ask on reddit but why do people act weird that someone doesn’t like drinking again before someone commented I don’t care if you drink and I want stop you and I just want to no why people thing im a monster (I have been call a monster in a very harsh way because I don’t drink,)with a long list of other words I can’t repeat with getting band from this sub

(Sorry for any spelling or grammar I’m suck at writing)

submitted by /u/orkboss12
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