
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Panic attack at bar?

So I’m a freshman in college and never drank before. Went out with my roomate and I drank 1/4 can of beer (which he said would not get me drunk unless I drank a lot of them) and then took a small sip of whatever he had which was a lot stronger. So I spend like 20 minutes at the party and then they want to go out to a bar.

We get in the bar and I’m feeling great. We get to the top floor and I immediately start socializing, talking to guys, talking to girls, and overall just having a good time. After an hour or so, I finish talking to a group of girls with a friend I met that night and as I’m walking away I start feeling dizzy. I brush it off as I wanted to stay there longer.

After a few more minutes I start feeling like my hands are losing circulation, and I tell my friend I need to sit down to take a breather. As I’m sitting down trying to breathe, I feel my hands get more and more numb as I feel more and more dizzy. My fingers start curling involuntarily, and my friend suggests I get a drink of water. We get a drink of water and it doesn’t help, I still felt like I was going to pass out. I tell him I’m done for the night and he walks me back to my dorm.

As I’m walking back I feel my dizziness fade and my fingers start gradually curling less. I get to my dorm and take some electrolytes and another cup of water. I tell my friend I’m good to go back, even though I didn’t feel 100%, more like 80%. And the whole time I am breathing trying to get my breath back.

So we get to the bar and there’s a line to get to the top floor, so we start socializing downstairs. I’m feeling decent, still not 100% but not nearly as bad as before. When the line went upstairs we followed, and as soon as I reached that top floor again I feel the dizziness ensue. I try to brush it off again and talk to a few people, but it’s harder to talk as my breath is harder to regain.

After a few more minutes I feel my hands go again and I tell my friend I’m gonna take a break and catch my breath. I try catching my breath but again my symptoms just amplify, this time the feeling of losing circulation reaching up to my elbows. He gets me a drink of water and it doesn’t help, so I tell him I’m totally done for the night. I go back downstairs and as I’m walking back I feel fine again, regaining circulation in my fingers.

I asked my friends if they have any idea what happened and they have no clue. I didn’t drink much at all alcohol to get me drunk, even though it was my first time drinking. I also didn’t feel anxiety or panic, it was just a sudden dizziness and feeling of passing out. I’m asking here because I asked chatgpt what it might have been and it said maybe a panic attack, and the symptoms sound similar to one. Please let me know if any of you have had a similar experience or know what might have been the cause. Thanks

submitted by /u/True_Tree1381
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