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Please need some advice about alcohol (EtG) hair test

I had to do a hair follicle test to prove to the court i’m clean of drugs (which i am), but all of a sudden the laborant who took my hair said he also needs to test me for alcohol to see if my EtG levels aren’t above 30 pg/mg because that would mean “chronic user”. I can have any value below 30 and pass though.

I didn’t know they were going to test alcohol so i haven’t been too careful, but still didn’t drink a lot imo. I have drunk a lot on 5-6 occasions and a little bit on 3-4 occasions. All of these were in the first 50 days because i didn’t drink anything at all 6 weeks before my test.

I read that 30 etg pg/mg equals 60g of alcohol every day. This equals about 500-540 standard drinks, which i defenitely don’t even come close to. But then i’ve also been told by the laborant who took my hair that if u binge on one or more occasions that EtG exponentially gets more in the hair. This has me worrying that i’ll fail. This all feels so unfair to me. Originally i had to do this hair test to prove my abstinence of drugs, which i am fully clean of, but now i still might get in trouble because i drank at a few birthday parties. I didn’t drink 80 of the 90 days but because some of my drinking events were on the heavier end i might fail?

Does anyone have experience with this who could help me out?

submitted by /u/psychedelicuserrr
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