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I am 100% sober and losing friends

Alright everyone, I just need to rant because it is bothering me..

So I am 100% sober, always have been. Even when I was a child I just never paid attention to the glass of red wine my mom would have with dinner every night, or the occasional beer my dad would drink on the weekends when he’d kick his feet up and relax. It just never occurred to me or was a problem in my family. As I got older, maybe around 13, my mom asked if I just wanted to try a sip of her wine. I guess I was curious, and I took a sip of it. It was disgusting and I clearly expressed my disgust all over my face and even spit it out in my napkin. Absolutely gross. Of course she laughed and told me my taste buds would change as I get older. In one ear and out the other for me because I never really thought about it again.

Fast forward to roughly my junior and senior of high school, vapes and juuls were extremely popular and almost everyone either had a fake ID, or was getting it from a rebellious older sibling. I still never had any interest in any of it and continued to avoid it. Now, I am not in any way shape or form boring. I am actually extremely fun. I am a natural wild child and not shy! I will dance at a party, I will run down the road naked if dared to.. the point is.. I never needed alcohol or weed to have fun. A lot of my friends in high school drank or would get cross faded and I was always the DD everywhere. Sometimes I feel that’s the only reason I was there.. is so someone was guaranteed to get everyone home safe.

Going into college, my parents were SURE I’d have something, but still it just never interested me.. ever. I always saw what drinking and smoking did to other people and it just didn’t seem fun. Waking up hung over and throwing up all day just didn’t seem like something I ever wanted to do. I’ve been offered hundreds of dollars before to take a shot and I still refused. During drinking games I’d shoot lemon juice because if you’ve ever shot lemon juice… it’s hard and quite gross. So all my college years, I was sober and clean.

Now, I’m 23. I’ve made my own set of friends outside of college when I moved back home. Whether it was mutual or my job or my boyfriends friends. They all drink. Some more than others which is fine. As long as it’s not in my system, I’m good to go.

But unfortunately I’ve been noticing that my friends go out without me or have game nights and I don’t get invited. The excuse everytime is that “we didn’t think you’d wanna go because there’s alcohol and we’re drinking”. Okay? And? Doesn’t bother me there’s alcohol and you’re drinking? It just hurts my feelings because it happens quite often. I will also remember something my boyfriend telling me that genuinely almost broke me..

I was driving us home from going out at a bar, he had a few white claws and I had a Shirley Temple extra cherries and I had asked him out of the blue if he thought we’re compatible because I don’t drink. He was very nice about it and his tone was soft so I don’t think he meant it in a mean way, but he said:

“Sometimes I wish you liked to drink so I can connect with you a little more, but it’s fine if you don’t like to drink. I dated you knowing you don’t drink. I’d never force you or leave you for it.”

My heart just sunk and fell out of my butt. It hurt to know that sometimes he really wishes I liked to drink just to connect more? All I said was okay and got quiet the rest of the night after I dropped him off.

Is something wrong with me? Am I normal? Am I in the wrong for getting hurt over something that doesn’t include me? They drink; I don’t. Simple.

Advice will help thank you <3

submitted by /u/UniversityPrize1793
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