
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


Worst experience of my life

So once, my friend offered me a beer, or so I thought. I usually drink whiskey and rum, and beer was something uncommon for me. He offered me a pint, and I chugged it. It had a sweetish taste, and I was surprised by the taste. So, I took another pint and another, it was a fizzy wine

I wasn’t feeling anything, so I asked my friend why I wasn’t feeling anything. They just smiled at me. Curious, I looked at the ingredients. It mentioned grape wine and something too complicated; it wasn’t ethanol. Then I saw the alcohol content: it was 15.5 percent. I don’t know how my liver survived that, but I had a hangover for about two days and don’t remember what happened after I read that 15.5 percent. Those two days were literal hell for me—I was even vomiting water.

submitted by /u/Sea_Oil9317
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