
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다



I drank extremely heavy for 3 years. I’m 31. I started noticing withdrawal symptoms around may/june. I was able to ween down and get down to a regular drinking amount a day, maybe every other day I’d have a few drinks after work. Heavy drinking started around again around august. Hospitalized twice due to withdrawal symptoms. I started having delirium tremors with a .26 alcohol reading. Meaning my liver would no longer process alcohol and the by product was just going through my bloood stream at this point. I was taken to a 10 day medical detox where the put me in a medically induced coma. I spent 12 days at that facility and was released. Today is day 18 sober.

Liver and kidney function are both at 100% Two days ago is when all side effects or lingering post withdrawal symptoms ended.

Doctor took blood and every test was in a normal range. CT of liver looked to see that the inflammation was almost completely down and should be back to regular size along with any other organ inflammation I was having. I have lost all weight associated from fluid retention.

The first step is to go get help, under medical supervision. Then get through it after your released and stick to to it’s not too late

submitted by /u/Usual-Office-8285
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