
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


All of a sudden hate beer

I recently started drinking, which I never really did in my teenage years. It started with mostly just beer and vodka mixed drinks. At first I had no problem, and even enjoyed some beers. However one night I got really drunk on beer, regrettably, and ended up throwing up a lot afterwards (learning experience). From that point on, even a sip of beer makes me physically gag. I can fight through it and get some sips down, but I’ve almost completely avoided beer since then because of how repulsive I am to it. Is this normal? I still enjoy other drinks, and can even take fireball shots with no reaction. However I want to be able to sit down and enjoy a beer with my dad or friends, so is there a way I can fix my new intolerance to beer?

submitted by /u/MatttN27
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