
지역문화와 전통주를 잇다. 술이 익어 가다. 술:익다


How to know if you were roofied or just really drunk?

I can’t tell what happened last night. I could’ve sworn I didn’t drink a lot more than usual. I don’t like a lot of drinks so I rely very heavily on vodka mixed with juice or just shots in general. I obviously know that means I need to be a bit more careful with how much I drink, but I’m so confused how it got this bad.

I started just feeling drunk, but like very, very drunk, which is already a bit rare for me. I was dizzy, I couldn’t concentrate properly on anything around me, the room begun spinning. I managed to get up to the bathroom, though walking was really hard, and being away seemed to ground me a little. However almost the moment I got out it just hit me immediately again.

I remember sitting on a “chair” (it was more just a short bench I guess), but suddenly it went really blurry for a bit and I was on the floor just leaning on it. Everything was so off. Nothing felt real, I couldn’t really process any voices around me, I wasn’t able to speak. I was just about able to think enough that I dragged a bag to me and leaned against that because I was convinced I was about to throw up. And I did. Not a lot but enough for someone to eventually push a bucket towards me.

I could hear my friend speaking to me but I barely recognized her voice and I wasn’t able to reply, I just tried nodding or shaking my head. She was able to get some water in me but it was hard to even swallow. She also tried feeding me some salt.

Nothing seemed to work. I kept feeling like I’d throw up any secound, I was so disoriented and almost dissociated I literally wouldn’t take my head out of the bucket because seeing the room around me only made me more dizzy, and I was too scared to almost because It triggered that disorientation even more.

My friend was able to help me to the bathroom and I just immediately sat besides it, threw up, and stayed there for a while.

It slowly got better, I felt sick all evening but I got some more food and water, I got to relax, and soon the room wasn’t spinning AS much. It apparently lasted like an hour or two based on some messages I was able to send to people when it started and when it started calming down. According to some random guy I just kinda sat there with my head into the bucket for a while, but I don’t even remember being able to process anyone but my friend being around me.

I can’t tell if something went wrong or if I’m just being delusional about my own intake. Did I really drink that much more than I thought? I’ve never gotten like this. At worst I sometimes get a bit disoriented for a few minutes, or a little dizzy. I’ve only thrown up once and it was because I specifically triggered it with my fingers to get it over with. I can’t remember ever having lost my ability to speak and walk, I can’t remember ever having felt this awful.

I had..two shots of vodka, then I was given a shot of gin, and I made a drink after. I think maybe the drink was like half juice with at worst 3 shots of vodka. I don’t even know if that’s a lot but I’ve definitely drunk similiar amounts before unless I’m very heavily underestimating how much vodka I added???

submitted by /u/fawnlet_
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