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Dull ache under ribcage after 4 nights of heavy drinking?

This Christmas has been pretty heavy on the booze for me, for the past 4 nights I’ve been drinking heavily. I usually only drink on Fridays every other week. So I wouldnt call myself a heavy drinker at all. Things just seem to be back to back this week lol.

Anyway yesterday I had a dull ache under my ribcage (near where the liver is), and its still there today accompanied by some acid reflux/heartburn. Its not painful or stabbing pain, just a dull, somewhat uncomfortable ache. I also have a little nausea today but Im not sure if that’s caused by me worrying/thinking about it.

I’m supposed to meet up with friends to go out for NYE tonight. But Im not sure if I should now.

Do you think it could be something serious or just the booze catching up to me?

I have bad health anxiety so of course my mind has immediately gone to liver damage haha.

submitted by /u/cowpool20
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